Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery that deals with the diagnosis and managementdisorders of  eyes, related accessory organs as well as visual pathways.

  • The department of ophthalmology handles all routine and emergency cases and surgical procedures like sutureless cataract surgery, Endo Nasal DCR and laser treatment for diabetic retinopathy.
  • The staff of Ophthalmology is actively involved in developing integrated ophthalmic care, catering to patients through various camps, awareness sessions etc
  • Department of ophthalmology features various equipments like A-scans, lasers, perimetry, fundus camera, ophthalmoscope, retinoscope etc.
  • Students are trained in history taking, methods of examination and OPD instruments. At the end of session they are capable of proper evaluation and diagnosis of common eye disorders.
  • Postgraduate students are exposed to routine and advanced ophthalmology viz neurophthalmology, oculoplasty, paediatric ophthalmology as well as orbital disorders.